Wednesday, February 14, 2018


Sometimes there are no words needed
for what needs to be done
to fulfill your needs
the way you've been needing all day
after being needed by so many
in ways that you needed that extra boost
to be able to give what was asked of you

But all you need to know right now
is I got you
right where you want me to have you:
face down
middle of the bed
coconut oil
and your favorite
sandalwood-scented candles
that serve you
an essential, calmative high
and these healing hands
filled with all the magic
that your limbs
and cells
so desperately need
to traverse
the trail of stress
trying to name you Home
and evict it
before it has a chance
to furbish you
with its chaos

Soft, electric passion
surging from my fingertips
your soul quaffing the vibration
of my silken graze
savoring it like
the finest wine
seduced into
the sweetest inebriation
from my rhythm
as you descent
into a slumber
you don't dare fight
cuz the peace you need
your arrival
and I
have Lyfted you there
thru this Uber love
and parked you safely
in its graces
for the night

©2018 Charlene E. Green
from my upcoming book
You Betta Write!

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