Tuesday, August 20, 2024


You will cry

and when tears fall

do not interrupt.

Let them clean house

sloughing mire 

from your spirit.

Let them tell your stories

in whatever tone they want

for however long

speak without censor

be rude and unruly

act out monologues

you've been rehearsing

in your mind for years

quote you in liquefied code

in ways your mouth 

can't find words for.

Whether the time of day

is convenient

or the space you're in

feels safe enough 

to be vulnerable

you will cry

not of your own volition

but because tears 

can only take so much neglect

will only wait so long

for you

to acknowledge them.

Give them license

to be misfits

let them tantrum-splatter 



and woe

all up 'n' thru 

grocery stores

knocking down bottles and jars

puncturing packages

clean-up on every aisle

barrel through restaurants

smashing plates 

flipping tables

be runaway slaves

at the gym

stealthily escaping 

among sweat

stampeding from your brow

be handy assistants

at the post office

sealing envelopes 

with the slick of your sorrow.

Let them be chaos

in these streets

explode like firecrackers

across concrete

scream obscenities

rage against Inner-War You

horrify onlookers

as they bungee jump 

from your cheeks

land with fury

like Godzilla's stomp

causing public uproar

same intensity 

as the one inside them

battering their chakras.

Do not shame yourself 

hide your facial wreckage

or let people 

exasperated with their

emotional barrenness 

convince you that

your tears are 



let them witness

the storm fleeing your body

purifying your soul

let them marvel 

take notes 

learn how to navigate

tempestuous salty rivers

teach them how to sail

through crisis

remind them that


is the natural order of things


all human life

begins with tears

at birth.

It is not a punk move

it's checkmate.

Show them they can cry

should cry


lock eyes with them

hold strong

don't blink

let tears flood your rims

feel them quake pre-descent

deep breath in

through nose

let the muscles

in that lump in your throat 


delicate exhale

through lips

nod gently at your student

as if to say

"It's time," 

and like green light

signal them to wail

louder than the hellion

voices in their head


for optimal toxin release 


like they know

they finally squared up

with their gaslighting demons

invite them to accompany you 

in overdue riddance

of internal grotesque.

Tell them

to tell a friend 

to join the movement 

each one teach one

cuz cry 

is first responder

urgent care




mental health restored

fresh start

it is 




You will

prepared or not

lose control

and cry 

for love




for the life you want

the one you had

for delayed prayers

wisdom and answers

to excavate hate

accept whys

say good-bye

to reclaim peace.

©2024 Charlene E. Green



Anonymous said...

Simply Ah-maaaaaazzzzzing! You are, always, able to articulate what I’m thinking in such an eloquent way. Brava!

Hustle Diva said...

Thank you so much!πŸ™πŸΏπŸ’œ

Anonymous said...

Your words are beautiful. I was up and down, cried, and paused. I felt so many emotions. You are a fantastic writer. Don’t stop. Won’t stop.

Hustle Diva said...

Thank you so much!πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Anonymous said...

Woman, you be writing your face off! So many lines. I love it! Thank you for sharing!

Hustle Diva said...

I super appreciate you!πŸ’œπŸ’œ