Monday, November 2, 2009


I was inspired to write YOU ARE WHAT YOU SAY YOU ARE: CLAIMING YOUR LIFE'S MISSION & LIVING YOUR DREAM after helping a friend solidify a major part of her life-mission path. Having overcome my own painful obstacles with finding and implementing mine, I had developed a true sense of compassion for those who were struggling to find theirs, and I made it my goal to help them be victorious. If you haven't found your life's mission, otherwise known as purpose and passion, then this book is for you. If you know anyone who hasn't, please pass it along to them. It gives practical advice on how to go about finding your calling, and what to do and expect after you've found it. Below is an excerpt from the intro.


Next to the topics of money and marriage/relationships, the topic of career goals and life missions is at the top of the list of discussions among people. It seems as if most of us strive for three major things in life: make an insane amount of money and live comfortably forever, find a soul mate and [maybe] start a family, and find a great career. Not necessarily in that order, either. Much unhappiness comes to those who live their lives not having achieved at least one item from that list. Obviously, having all three at the same time would be ideal, but more often than not, people fluctuate between them. Today, the relationship exists, but money’s funny. Tomorrow, the financial situation is great, but now the relationship is gone, yet the career seems to be headed in the right direction. Next week, all of it has fallen apart, and there’s nothing but a big fat zero staring you in the face. Well, at least you got to sample all of it, right? Sadly, though, there are many who achieve none of those things, neither separately nor all at the same time.

If a room full of people were asked to choose one item as the more important from the “hot list,” the answer would undoubtedly vary, which is natural. Everyone’s priorities are different. Those who are obsessed with being rich may not really care how they get to that point, only that they get there, and they couldn't care less about the other two items. A man or woman whose only dream is to get married to their perfect match and have a houseful of children may not be focused on get-rich schemes or chasing a career goal. And the person who has tunnel vision in regards to his or her career path may likely be a very hard nut to crack if asked to shift focus toward a relationship. Notice I didn’t mention money there. That’s because the career-minded individual definitely does care about financial gain; a huge part of the goal is to eventually make an excellent living at their career of choice. But while Mr. and Ms. Career Minded fully intend to support themselves one day by doing their craft, they understand that, in the beginning, while they’re spending long days and nights immersed in the training process so they can master their field, there will probably be very little to no pay involved. Because of the passion and love they have for what they’re doing, they’re willing to put the financial gain on the back burner until further notice, sometimes even for years. This is the mark of an individual who has truly found, and is dedicated to, his or her mission.

Ready to uncover your purpose? Order your copy here.

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